I'm buying ram so i can play minecraft better and all the ram is in gbs and not gigabytes please help
How many gigabytes is 1 gb?
William 19.09.2015
That stands for One Gigabyte
1gb = one gigabyte
Only one (1)
Jeff 19.09.2015
1 gb=1 gigabyte
Daphne 19.09.2015
1 gb is another way to say gigabyte. So 1 gb is 1 gigabyte.
Arnold 19.09.2015
Jordan 19.09.2015
G = Giga
B = Byte
GB = Gigabyte
1GB = 1 Gigabyte
pdl756 19.09.2015
1 GB is 1 Gigabyte… Its just short hand.
DeMoNsLaYeR575 19.09.2015
In 1 gb is 1 gigabyte. Gb is shot for gigabyte, its the same thing.
for example a 4gb ram bar is 4 gigabyte.
Guest 19.09.2015
GB = Gigabyte
Gb = Gigabit
1 Gigabyte = 8 Gigabit's
That being said, ram is all in GB as are system requirement information
Nunya 19.09.2015
1 billion bytes
Jack 19.09.2015