How do NOT be a noob in minecraft?

I need some help because I'm not sure I have the knowlage to be awesome in minecraft.

First you build a house. Maybe a normal dirt hole with a roof or something. Next, you get enough stone for a set of stone tools then you need to get food.once that is completed make a farm after you get enough food start mining large quantities of stone, then iron, all the way up to the diamond. Then enchant the diamond and go kill the ender dragon. Bring back the ender egg and by that time you should be good enough at basic skills to have a good time.

First, you must learn geometric figures like if you building 7 width(base) blocks and 8 height(length).
is equal to 14+16= 30 perimeter. And the area is 8*7=56 squares.

Second, Be creative and used your imagination and for each building try to increase your speed.
3rd. Apply the first and second rule to build Pyramid.
4th. Don't be so pressure in that, play relaxly.
5th. Know more, Learn more but not play more.

The only way to really get better at Minecraft is through experience. Just play it a lot and have the Minecraft Wiki directly next to you, whenever you run into a problem or need to know something, look at the wiki, it is your friend. Also, watch some "let's plays" by YouTubers like EthosLabs or something, you can learn ALOT from them.