How come I get unstable/low frames when recording really simple games?

These are the settings I currently have on Fraps. For some reason I get random frame drops when recording Minecraft (Fast settings) and about 10-20 frames when recording ESO (High - Medium settings) or Wildstar (High to medium settings)… When I'm not recording my FPS boosts up to 60+ on each game. I would say I have an above average PC so I don't think it's a problem to run these games.

Specs (Nothing's overclocked)
AMD FX 6300 Processor
2x 500GB HDD'S
Asetek 510 120MM Liquid Cooler
750 Watt PSU
Gigabyte GA-970A MOBO
Windows 7

For some reason when I play games like Battlefield (High settings) or Titanfall (High settings)
my gameplay is super smooth with constant 50+ frames and I just don't know what the problem is and why I get bad frames with really simple games but when it comes to crazy FPS type games and stuff like that my gameplay is really smooth?

Added (1). Pretty sure Gamestop isn't the best place to ask these types of questions to Mary…

Added (2). I record all of my games the same quality (1080p) but for some reason when I record crazy games like Battlefield or Titanfall compared to simple games like Minecraft the higher intensity games seem to have the better smoother frames.
(In response to Mina)

Added (3). I record all of my games the same quality (1080p) but for some reason when I record crazy games like Battlefield or Titanfall compared to simple games like Minecraft the higher intensity games seem to have the better smoother frames.
(In response to Mina)

Ask guy in game atop

Its not about the game quality its about the "recording" quality… The higher quality you are recording on the slower your pc… Example your pc will be fast if you are recording on low quality 240p… But it will be much slower when you are recording on high quality 1080p AKA full HD

3 possible problems/fixes from what I see,

1. Processor, MMO's and Minecraft are more cpu intensive than gpu. Where as FPS games are more GPU intensive… But with your current cpu, you should not have much of a problem

2. Problem with fraps for these games… Its possible

3. Try dedicating a core or two solely to using your recording program, I recently had a problem like this and after randomly deciding to dedicate a core to OBS one night, it ran perfectly.

P.S. Why do you record your mic with fraps? Its a small pet peeve I have, I like to record audio separately in Audacity for much easier editing later.