Good Multi player games that i can play? I'm bored?

Any games that i can play? First i used to play Minecraft and roblox but now i stopped. I wanna try something new so can anyone suggest some good games like minecraft or roblox?
Right now i'm bored to death, which is making me feel depressed lol. O_O

You need to change what your playing try some shooting or rpg games

Depends what your into. Just cause 2 went online earlier this year, if you like third person sandbox games. Apparently mindcraft is addictive, which is why I haven't played it. Gta5, again, third person open environment. Any modern warfare/black ops games for first person shooters. Be prepared to get shot a lot tho. Left for dead 2, if you like zombies.

Loads out there, check out some YouTube vids for gameplay to see if you like the looks of them… Hope this helps.

Sorry, didn't see your additional comments until I already commented. Still, maybe broaden your interest, loads of fun stuff out there. Get involved.

Druley. Okay i'll try them too! But you've to suggest me some good rpg games or shooting games.

Team Fortress 2, Warframe, Black Light Retribution, Loadout, and Warthunder