Getting panic attacks after playing video games?

So recently I started to play minecraft again with my friends, but after I stop (after playing for about 2 hours) I start to get symptoms of a panic attack, it's not so bad that I think I'm going to die, but I get cold feet, dizzy and a bit confused. Could this be because the adrenaline from playing the game?

Well that's… Odd. I suppose it's possible that it could be the shift in sensory input after closing it and some kind of effect post-adrenaline rush, though personally I'd check on that with a doctor.

Are you still seated when it happens?

Hi r… Overstimulating dopamine receptor can deplete dopamine later on. Meditation and taking rest day from technology once or twice a week can stimulate dopamine again. Watermelons and velvet beans (Mucuna pruriens); which contain L-dopa, increase dopamine. Chamomile tea, passion flower, valerian root, echinacea, DHA (algae oil), and lemon balm along with regular exercise can heal anxiety along with eliminating all the sugary and junk food.

Disclaimer: This health information is provided for general informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional health advice.