Fast, cheap, good gaming towers?

I need a computer tower that can run Minecraft at at least 150 FPS. I also want it cheap, under or around $500. The Graphics card isn't the most important to me, but if there's one with a good graphics card, Ill go for it!

Those who say there's no point over going over 60fps have not played a game over 120fps. There's a big difference. Just as there's a big difference between a 60hz screen and a 120hz screen. And I wouldn't reply on pre-built gaming rigs. They give you horrible price/performance. You're better off paying someone to build you a custom PC. It'll be a little spendy. But you'll still get it better performance than a pre-built. If you spend about. $500 on a PC from Alienware that's about equal to a custom built PC you built for about $200-300.

There's no point in running a game at more than 60 fps

The human eye can't distinguish anything higher than 60 fps.

you actually don't even need a gaming pc if you're playing solely minecraft, which works out, because finding a pre-built gaming pc for 500 is rather difficult: that's the average msrp for regular desktops.

i prefer newegg. If you sign up for the newsletter, you'll get a list of daily deals. Sometimes, there are desktops on sale in your price range.

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