Good fast laptops that can be used for gaming?

Okay so i'm 16 and i love to game. Okay? I mainly play minecraft because i own 2 servers. Well my 1000 dollar laptop is destroyed (long story). And i don't really have so much money atm. I bought a 200 dollar laptop and it was pretty laggy on mc. So i need a powerful laptop that can handle gaming, and of course fast. So my budget sadly is pretty low:/ 600 & below. Is there any laptop out there in that price range that can handle mc, is fast and powerful? I just want something decent or close to that price.

Buy an Acer with an AMD Processor.
Intel is usually more expensive for the same processing power.

Well I'm not really a game-addict. But for me, when it comes to gaming, it all depends on the processor if it's in quad-core or octa-core. So for now, I have a laptop that has Intel Core i7 2.4 GHz quad-core processor and only costs $550 as seen in the website: Unfortunately this laptop runs on Windows 8.1, and I'm not sure if you like Windows 8. For more laptops, use the link below. Have a good day!