Download Minecraft Issues with new Computer?

So I used to have an ASUS that had windows 7 and I recently purchased a Macbook Pro, and I redownloaded Minecraft, and when I signed it from my old account on my other computer and went to go resume a world, it showed that I had no worlds created? How do I solve this problem? Is it possible to transfer minecraft to my new computer from my old one?

You have to transfer the save games from the Windows machine to the mac. The mac saves them to:

Mac OSX Minecraft Location: [yourusernamehere]/Library/Application Support/minecraft

Windows Vista/7/8 Minecraft Location: C:\Users\[yourusernamehere]\AppData\Roam…

Look for the.minecraft folder in the Windows folder listed above and copy it to the Mac using a flash drive and place it in the correct folder listed above.

Good Luck

Agent Justin R. Badge# 25364
Deputy of Counter Intelligence
Geek Squad Social Media Team