How to disable ores in minecraft?

I want to disable lapis lazuli in minecraft, i mean like, unable to find and mine it and everything, does anyone know how?

Not possile

There's a vanilla way to do it. You go in and choose maptype, like superflat, amplified etc. One of these (forgot the name) allows to you to change frequency of ores and stuff, like making diamond as common as dirt.

I've done it in the latest update at least.

You can't disable Mojang's code, Mojang coded in ores.

There's a way on Kindle Fire Vanilla Minecraft where you see Edit World or Edit Terrain, that option lets you change the ores to dirt lava, water or Basically Any ore or Block you want to change that block to. I don't think they have that anymore since the last update. I think Vanilla Minecraft Needs to add that option Back to vanilla minecraft on kindle fire.