Do you like MINECRAFT or SKYRIM more?

Do you like MINECRAFT or SKYRIM more? - 1

Skyrim. Has such a great story… And if on pc the amount of mods you can get makes th experience much more entertaining and longer Skyrim Neither? Dude, these are apples and oranges. But for me its a tie. Skyrim Overall, I think Skyrim. I seem to, however, alternate between the two, so it's hard to say. Minecraft Skyrim, I got bored of building blocks after I was 3. Its definitely Minecraft Skyrim is game that's way too complex for me Neither.



Dude, these are apples and oranges. But for me its a tie.


Overall, I think Skyrim. I seem to, however, alternate between the two, so it's hard to say.


Skyrim, I got bored of building blocks after I was 3.

Its definitely Minecraft Skyrim is game that's way too complex for me
