Best heat resistant fabric paint?

Hi. I'm redecorating my son's room with a Minecraft theme. Can't find a Minecraft shade, so just bought a square shade with the hope of painting a Creeper's face on it. What is the best heat resistant fabric paint I can use? Name the brand please.

Any acrylic paint will work on most lamp shades, and will resist the amount of heat generated even in a small lamp where the shade is close to the bulb.
"Fabric paint" may be better though because it's more flexible once dry and is intended to go through the washer and dryer (on fabric). Look for that in any craft or art supply store.

Of course if you don't use an incandescent bulb (few even sold these days--being phased out), and use any CFL or LED bulb in the lamp, virtually no heat would be generated anyway.

You might have a bit of trouble getting regular paint to stick to some fabrics (or coatings on them) of lampshades though. Some people start off with a spray to help that (and also covers the background if you want that) but there are other ways.
Here are some tips for painting lampshades