Are villagers in Minecraft supposed to represent Jews?

Before you get all antsy with me, please not that I'm NOT anti-Semitic. I actually have a lot of Polish-Jewish blood in my family.

I just feel like the villagers in Minecraft are supposed to represent Jews. I mean, they trade things for emeralds (money). Jews are known historically to be shrewd business people. I know I may sound racist, but remember, I'm Jewish too.

The biggest sign, to me, are the iron golems. Golems are a being in Jewish folklore which supposedly protect/serve their Jewish creators, much like the iron golems protect the villagers. In Jewish folklore, golems are created from things like clay or stone. In Minecraft, one must physically create golems using either iron or snow.

And enderman are tall black mobs that steal blocks, so do they represent black people?
People can make assumptions but in per-say any game a connection will occur, intentional or not, to the real world.

You'd be surprised how much symbolism is hidden in video games. Movies, TV shows, etc. Most here might say you're foolish, paranoid, or just crazy but i think you might be on to something so kudos to your observation.

There's no such thing as "Jewish Blood."

Move along now.

In fact there are interesting parallels, some of which you already mentioned, but the most striking similarity to me is that they have big, hooked noses - another cliché - besides trading for goods and being protected by Golems.
On the other hand they do trade pork, have various "un-jewish" professions and a lot of characteristics not fitting the typical image of Jews (e.g. Trade with pork).
However, I would not worry: Villagers are useful, in fact lovable characters you seek to protect and care about. So if they indeed have been unconsciously modeled after our Jewish kin by the developers, there's no bad intention behind it.

I really don't know.

as a jew whos been going to Jewish school for my entire life, id like to point out the real story of the 'golem folk lore' your referencing, in that its really that true. There is a famous Jewish story of a great rabbi who made a figure out of clay inside a cave wich was given life by Hashem (God) which did protect but other than that there is no folk lore about jews making/having golems that protect them that I have ever heard.
