Minecraft: how were we supposed to learn about the nether portal?

So i'm new to MC. Just wondering about these portals in the game, i'm supposed to make them (according to youtube tutorials) to travel to other realms. But say if i didn't have youtube or anyone to teach me, how was i supposed to know about these things and how to make them in-game?

That's the amazing thing about games like Minecraft - exploration, discovery, and experimentation.

When the Nether (and other realm areas) were released, the devs did say how to access them. If you're just starting out though and don't want to look at fan-made helps, it's up to you to explore. Minecraft was designed for you to research and experiment. Think about it, if you never knew about Minecraft before. How in the hell would you know to punch trees for wood? Make a furnace act.

This is why they added the tutorial map on the console ports

Edit: I'm assuming you're new to Minecraft. If you played from alpha you would know it's about experimenting. You have to go to Notch.
Go to Stockholm and blow him

Minecraft was designed for you to research and experiment. Think about it, if you never knew about Minecraft before. How in the hell would you know to punch trees for wood? Make a furnace act.

This is why they added the tutorial map on the console ports

Edit: I'm assuming you're new to Minecraft. If you played from alpha you would know it's about experimenting.

You have to go to Notch.
Go to Stockholm and blow him