Alienware m17xR3 is running super slow?

I've had this Alienware laptop for about a year now and it's starting to be super slow. Minecraft got about 10 FPS and World of warcraft at about 20. I tried to reinstall the whole computer, but it didn't fix it.

This is my specs:

Alienware m17xR3 is running super slow

Well looking at your specs and then your fps it is completely irrational and almost impossible but I would recommend scanning for any anti-malware (viruses etc) because you may of accidentally gotten one of something and they can make your computer go slow sometimes, i would recommend getting Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to do it, it is free and efficient just type it into google and it will come up (do a scan every 2 weeks to every month to keep on top of everything, on my last one I had 800 viruses so that slowed me down a lot).

if this doesn't work or help then look at your fan because when mine broke it slowed the computer right down because it was overheating. Hope this works, usually 99.9% of the time works for me.