Why is my minecraft running so slow?

I recently bought minecraft for my laptop running windows 7. It runs very slowly and laggy to the point where it hurts my eyes to even watch it. I changed the settings to turn off clouds, reduce FPS, fast graphics (not fancy), turned off textures and turned down some other settings. I have even given minecraft high priority use of RAM. My laptop is a year and a half old with a second generation i5 processor, 6 GB of RAM and I make sure I have no other programs running. It is a Dell inpspiron.

Any idea of why this runs so awful? Think it would run better on my MacBook Pro? How can I speed this up?

Try updating the java, it should not run this slow at all.

Some programs are hidden. Viruses usually cause slowness. I would get a program(FREE) called malwarebytes and run a full scan first. If that doesn't work then right click on your taskbar and open task manager, go to processes and look at what's taking up alot of memory. DON'T DELETE A PROCESS TREE IF YOU DON'T Really KNOW WHAT IT IS.

Most laptops have seriously crippled video chipsets, and minecraft takes a fairly beefy video card/chipset to run minecraft. What chipset does it have? If Intel, forget it. It will never run minecraft well.