A decent quality, cheap, Minecraft computer?

The desktop computer that we have at our house is an ancient iMac that only has 2GB RAM. Obviously that isn't enough to run Minecraft, since that takes 2GB already.

Since that is the only computer we have, I try to run Minecraft anyway. But our computer freezes up every 2-3 minutes, and that amounts to a lot of unnecessary deaths, item losses, and confusion among all of my SMP friends, not to mention it's just plain annoying.

We've had this computer for many years now, and I think it should be replaced, because it's starting to freeze up on other programs too, even when we're simply browsing the web.

We have a 1st Gen iMac as well (which is at our house's Golden Acres for Macs), and I'm wondering if it has any sort of value?

Anyway, I would like to hear any suggestions you have for a desktop computer. It doesn't have to be an extremely powerful gaming computer, since the only thing we plan on doing with it is Minecraft and frequent internet browsing.

I'd rather not build it myself, I just want a cheap computer that can run Minecraft without constantly freezing.

Thank you in Advance!

Added (1). Mojang says the minimum requirement is 2GB RAM and the recommended is 4GB

It does run, but it freezes every 2-3 minutes as I said. I also forgot to mention this computer was pre-owned and has always been on the iffy side.

What computers do you suggest?

Minecraft needs one gig of ram to run. In order to run it on full setings smoothly I would recommend getting a 6-8 gig computer, but 2 gigs could run it.

Since I'm not familiar with the MAC system, I can't really advise you there, but personally, I'd build an AMD system since it's quite cheap to do so. RAM is probably going to more than all the other components combined, but all you want to do is play some Minecraft so, it may not. I'd say 4GB of RAM, and that's 84-100 for a set with a decent speed (1600Mhz plus) a decent AM3+ board will run you something like 80-150 (150 being higher end and 80 and lower just being a simple set-up where upgrades are less important to you) a PSU will run you probably 50 or less if you don't plan on running a graphics card, but if you do 50-70 will get you plenty of juice. Personally I'd suggest an APU system so that you've then already have graphics and pretty decent ones at that. That's if you build it, but since you'd rather not, I'd go with something like this http://www.walmart.com/...d/27859762