Transfer downloaded games between Xbox Ones?

I bought a pre-owned Xbox One at gamestop, a couple days ago, then signed into it and downloaded Minecraft to it when I saw it was on sale. But just now I saw a large bundle package at Best Buy where you get a new 42 inch television for only a hundred more than I paid, plus Halo and Assassin's Creed Unity. I'm going to return my current Xbox One in to get this bundle. But, would I have to purchase Minecraft again to download it back to my profile? Or is it tagged to my profile? I need help as soon as possible.

Nope. You already have it on your account so all you need to do is make sure your original account is activated on the new Xbox One. You should be able to download Minecraft again.

I recommend if your going to sell your old Xbox to make sure that your profile is deleted and the old Xbox is unregistered to you.