Will I get a fine from Walmart?

Ok so heres my story, I'm 14 and I got caught stealing a Minecraft toy for my little bother. They took me in a room and asked me a bunch of questions. Eventually I had to call my older brother to pick me up and one of the guys said I'm going to get a fine, but the thing is another guy before said since it's less than $40 I won't get a fine and this might not go on my record… Another thing is a while ago my step-brother got caught stealing from Target and they said he was supposed to get a fine as well, but he never got the fine. Anyways it's been like over a month and I haven't got a fine so I wanna know 2 things.
1: Will I ever get a fine or are they just trying to scare me so I don't steal again? (Which I won't do again)
2: Will this go on my record and if so, how will this affect me in life?
I live in Las Vegas, Nevada by the way.

You are 14. You got caught. STOP stealing. It could ruin your life… If you were old enough, you would have had to go to court, pay a fine and end up with a "record". Once you get a record and start applying for jobs at 16, many employers would not hire you.
If you can't afford something, wait until the time comes when you have extra money to buy something. It isn't worth stealing.

Sounds like they may have cut you a break because of your age, I would've imagined you would've heard something by now if you had to pay a fine or appear in court. Take this as a "coming to God" moment because you want no part of this on your record.

Theft of any crime is incredibly serious, and even a simple shoplifting conviction as an adult could easily disqualify you from ever working at many different places, particularly in financial services and government. Once a thief always a thief.

It seems like if they were trying to scare you then it worked. Don't ever do it again, for your own good.

1: The store can't legally fine you, but if they report it to the police, and you are charged, the court may fine you.
2: If it goes to court, it will go on your record. If it is even reported to the police, it will go on your record. If it is not reported, the store will keep a record of your details, which is relayed to every store in the country. If you are ever caught stealing in any store, anywhere, it will automatically be reported to the police.

Walmart will mail your parents a civil demand.
It's not a fine, it's a restitution request so they won't pursue you with criminal charges.
Walmart is know for not giving breaks to shoplifters.
Yes you will get that civil demand sooner or later.