What made Microsoft purchase Minecraft?

This a very important thing that i need to know.

I'm developing a game by myself, it's not complete but it has taken me 2 years already.

All i have to say it's a game that kids WILL love. I have put so much time into this game.

So one my question is what made Microsoft Studios purchase Minecraft from Swedish Developer Notch.

What makes big time companies like that purchase video games?

Strictly the monetary potential of incorporating it on the Xbox 360, and later the Xbox one

There are two main reasons. The first being simply money. Already Microsoft have made profit from the investment and the IP makes them thousands every day. It is the reason any company buys out another company- they believe the money they can make from the IP will exceed the money they have spent to begin with. It is the basic economics which makes the world go around.

The second, recently revealed motive revolves around VR development with the Hololens and Oculus Rift (who microsoft have partnered with). Minecraft is an ideal game to work with in these areas and has already had an impact with the hardware demonstration rescently. I can't tell you all the details because I don't know but there was definite motive in this niche of the industry.