I've been looking around the internet for websites that will make my pictures look blocky so I could make them on Minecraft. I've found a few, but they make the pictures hard to see. I'm trying to make a comic book character but the websites make his hair blur. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Website that will pixelize pictures?
Matthew 21.05.2015
It's called pixelization - many image editing applications have it as a filter effect. Use an image editor like Adobe Photoshop http://www.adobe.com/....adobe.com or the free software GIMP http://www.gimp.org/...w.gimp.org
In GIMP hit Filters > Blur > Pixelize - change the pixel width/height to get the size of blocks you want
In Photoshop hit Filter > Pixelate > Mosaic - change the cell size to get the size of blocks you want
Screenshot showing such an edit in GIMP and Photoshop with identical results:
Guest 22.05.2015