Should i get watch dogs or preorder destiny?

I really want destiny and want to play the beta so bad. I had to either pick minecraft or watch dogs, i picked watch dogs but now i have this problem. If i want to preorder its gonna be from gamestop since they have that preorder bonus

Get Destiny for PS4 and play the alpha now!

Sounds like you really want to play Destiny.

Honestly preordering is a very bad idea for any game. Giving a store money for a game you may or may not like is a really bad idea. I understand Bungie is a great team with many great games under their belt but you should always go in weary of any game.

Watch Dogs is not worth the asking price, the game is too prepetitive and has very low replayablility. If I was forced to choose I would preorder Destiny over paying for a game not worth the price. Even still that is paying for a game and praying it will be good.

At the end of the day it is up to you. It sounds like you really want Destiny while Watch Dogs is just an option that is there.