Should I get Watch Dogs or Minecraft?

I have got a 97% average by the end of the year, and I'm able to get a new game. Therefore, I would like to know is Watch Dogs better than Minecraft? I want to play some Hunger Games on Bajan Canadians Server with my friends and I don't really think I will have that capability in Watch Dogs without my friends buying the game too, and I don't want them to do that. So what the question is asking, which is the better choice?

Added (1). I'm 14.

I have WD i don't really like it, i prefer GTA v

Get GTA V its better than Minecraft of Watch Dogs.

Get Watch Dogs lol.

What is your age? Do you prefer building this, are you more creative? I personaly would take mc if all my friends have it because it is summer and playing together with your buddies is always very fun to do.

Definitely Watchdogs lol. I've asked myself that same exact question last tuesday and got Minecraft. Regret it.

I think Watch Dogs is the better game, but my guess is that you would enjoy Minecraft more with your friends. Plus, it's the cheaper game. UNLESS! Get Watch Dogs, beat it - then sell it back and get Minecraft and another game(s)…