Should I get a ps4, ps4 destiny bundle or a pc?

I'm going into grade nine next year and at the moment i have around $450 CAN. I was saving up to get a ps4 but just realized that a laptop would help me in school and also i could play games on it. But all my friends have ps4s and are counting on me to get one to play destiny bf4 and minecraft with them.

So i can't decide if i should get a pc now and a ps4 later,

Get a ps4 right now,

Or pre-order a destiny bundle and get it september 9(my friends want me to get it as soon as possible)

Thanks guys,

And also if i got a pc which one should i get for $450?

I'd get a PC, considering the current price and lack of games on the PS4. However, for 450 $, you'd be better off with a desktop. In order to run most of the newer games on a laptop, you'd need somewhere around 900$. Also, if you're going to get a PC, you should build it yourself. It would allow you to customize it to a greater extent and you'd learn a bit more about the different parts and how to fix it up if and when it starts showing problems.

A laptop would be useful for school.

But, for 450$, don't expect to get a laptop can be considered a "gaming laptop" by any means. Laptops themselves tend to be overpriced for the hardware they carry. And for that price I really doubt you'll find one that can run games even a few years old, definitely not one that can play modern AAA releases.

You might be able find a slightly better desktop capable of playing games for that price, or piece together a decent desktop with individual parts. But I doubt you'd want to go through that trouble.

I think you'd be disappointed if you buy a laptop instead that couldn't play most modern games. It sounds like a better idea to get a PS4 Destiny bundle. Your friends already have PS4s of their own and sound eager for you to get yours.

If I were you, I'd use that money to buy a PS4 (I'd lean towards getting the Destiny Bundle, the white PS4 looks pretty awesome)

Then look into getting a cheaper laptop in the future for school.