Starting A minecraft server?

Hi i've always wanted to start a minecraft server but i've never been good with plugins or just like being by myself. So i need 3 people to help me a plugin or coder who can help with the server and how it works and a website designer so if our server does popular eventually and builder to help me design the whole server and design( must be good builder)Thats all I really need Please leave an age and a way i can contact you in the answers!

I'd say. This isn't an easy process. People may not be reliable, may mess up your progress, or may just be incompetent.

I'd recommend using MC Pro Hosting. They make it easy to host a server and design it, and there's plenty of help guides on their website. Plans start as cheap as ONLY $0.62 a month! They're running a big deal right now.

Here's a link to get over to their site: .php? Aff=4890