How much RAM do can I get the best FPS in Minecraft?

I have a Windows 7 Home Premium with the Optifine mod installed, Even with that I get 17-35 fps. In my JVM Arguments I have it at -Xmx1G whatever that means, I'm wondering what else I can put there to make it go faster.

Windows 7 tells us nothing… What are the specs of the machine?

-Xmx1G means the amount of RAM you have accollated in Minecraft, in this case you have 1 gigabyte in your Minecraft.

The best amount would be 2, or 3 GB, if you have a notebook laptop, or a laptop meant for other things other than gaming. If you have a gaming laptop, with suppose 16 GB, you should supply 8.

All in all, you should always give at least 1 less GB then your computer has.

So if you have a computer with 4 GB, put 2 GB in Minecraft. 2 GB computer then 1 GB in Minecraft. (Won't do you much good though, with 1 GB, but it's good. :/)