Is it just me or does Skrim feel like Minecraft?

I know Skyrim is old to be bringing it up now but with the new Elder Scrolls out I decided to finish Skyrim before I do. I play a good amount of Minecraft and now playing Skyrim I feel like the 2 games are really similar. Does anyone else think this?
-you're fighting monsters with swords or bows in 1st person view.
- you need to look for materials to build certain things.
- potions
- enchanting
- armor
- with Skyrim DLC you can build your own house
It doesn't seem like much but those few things play a big role in both games. Unless you're a Mage in Skyrim and use magic and robes but even then that can be like enchanting leather armor I guess.

Its just you

If it feels in any way like Skyrim, it might be because the Elder Scrolls franchise has been around since 1994. And there are tons of other fantasy RPG games, going back decades, with similar elements.

Minecraft didn't start out with all of those things -- potions, enchanting, villages, dungeons, etc. I remember reading somewhere that Notch had always intended for Minecraft to be more of a fantasy RPG and so he eventually updated the game with those elements -- around the time Skyrim came out, IIRC -- which is also when I stopped playing Minecraft and started playing Skyrim.