How to start A YouTube Channel?

I really want to start a Minecraft YouTube channel where I upload funny moments, tutorials, live commentaries etc. I have Open Broadcaster to record but I don't think i'm able to record in HD because I don't have a HD monitor. I have a very good HD graphics Card but i don't know if i Record in HD, can someone tell me please? Also what should I edit with? I want Sony Vegas but i think its really expensive and don't wanna get a free version in case its a virus. Also I'm making all my own channel art but i copied some images off google images to use on my background, will i get copy right strikes for that and if so where can i get good quality images from that are free to use?

1. Dude if you can run minecraft i will assure you, you'll be able to record in HD. My computer isn't the best, neither is my monitor but i still get 720P videos at 30 FPS i however do not use bandicam i use "camtasia" Which also comes with a video editor.

2. Video editor you can use windows movie maker, it will be great for basic edits, Cropping, adding minimal effects. I would recommend Vegas and there are many ways to get it, i would recommend getting an older version off amazon or ebay, newer versions cost hundreds but over at amazon they have Vegas pro 10 fora lot cheaper which is a huge difference!

3. Images off google depends on who owns the copyright to be honest, If your using like a minecraft image or lets say a creeper, make sure it is just the creeper and not somebodys image they uploaded from there game that they have taken. Using images as long as you have the right edits should be completely fine.

When your ready to upload Sign in, Click the upload button and your away!

Here are some tips that may help you out when you start:

(1.) Quality> Quantity, The Quality of your videos is one big part of it, if someone clicks your video and the audio is too loud, fuzzy, the image is blurry or distorted they are going to either close the video or leave a comment and not watch it.

(2.) This is one that always pops up, try be original and i don't mean you have to think of a whole new idea just try do what nobody else does, a good one for that is to be yourself!

(3.) Are you using nice thumbnails? People tend to click on videos if the thumbnail looks promising. You can create thumbnails and art in photoshop, "GiMP" Image editor, intros can be created at i see you used flix press. Try make more detailed thumbnails so people are intrigued to click.

(4.) Are you titling/tagging your videos correctly? Using misleading titles is bad but also using to many short words such as "a" "the" sometimes get cut out of a search. Tagging your videos correctly is key as-well as SEO (search engine optimization) will get your videos more frequently come up depending on key words and what people search for.

(5.) Keep uploading regularly, this will get you an audience, and with that audience you want to listen to them so if they suggest something it could be worth listening to them (:

(6.) Create a unique name, have a banner that stands out and a good YouTube picture.

If you're doing all this quite frequently and sharing your videos on social media sites your bound to get more views/subs eventually, YouTube is a hard one with so much similar content and small channels content sometimes don't get recognised but keep working on your videos and you'll get there eventually.

Remember the amount of effort and time put into videos the more likely they are to be more popular. Try doing things you enjoy and what you want to do, because at the end of the day if its not enjoyable you won't make the most of it. Hope these tips help a little!

You don't actually need those HD cam studio recording, professional editing success in youtube publishing.
If you are aware about PewDiePie (recently featured in Forbes), you should know connecting with audience is the key factor specially considering the topic of your youtube channel.

Yep, it is simple, go on youtube and sign up, and then when you upload some videos you will have a channel as well. My opinion is Sony Vegas, you will pay of it, but it is awesome.

You can do it by the following bellow points…
1. Go to YouTube and login with your Google account
2. Add channel art.
3. Describe your channel.

Just buy signing up and uploading a vidio thats it

Create it with youtube account with gmail and crate channel

Create with gmail

Join youtube with gmail and the create channel and start posting

Start youtube and post videos and share you videos innfacebook