So I have had Minecraft for 5 years now, and I have always been awful at building.
I' have always looked at other people's builds and have thought that I want to do that but I just don't have the talent to.
I did use tutorials to make pixelart for a while, but it just felt that I was stealing from others. The thing I want to build is big amazing builds like mansions, and colossal structures from shows/movies/video games, but I have no idea how, and again, I'm awful at building.
It seems to me that I have no talents in the game, and I really want to make these things.
How do I start?
How to Learn How To Build In Minecraft?
Becky 10.07.2015
George 10.07.2015
Well the best way to start is just build what you can and just watch videos of other people building. Honestly there's no other way unless you want to copy someone block for block…
Guest 10.07.2015