How to go to school if you have ADHD?

I just flunked this semester because I'm and positive that I have ADHD, the littlest things make me mad or annoy me and I can't think of anything until it's dealt with. Also, I can't stay still, and I always have to fidget around and my teacher says it is disrupting the class, I literally don't do my homework because I forget it the majority of the time and rather do more fun things, like play Minecraft with my friends. Every time I tell my mom, she calls me lazy, and just wants to play Video Games. Any ideas?

Turn on, tune in, and drop out. Go on welfare.

I have ADHD and I know it actually helps me focus in a lot of ways. Definitely use music. Anything you love listening to just turn it up and focus, music really helps me with homework and busting out tasks. Also if available there are many medications available, conserta, Adderall, stratera to name a few. These all helped me greatly throughout high school