Do you know of a cheap gaming pc?

So I want to get a new gaming laptop, my old one is trash. I'm not well into money the most I have to spend is 600. The main game I want to play is Minecraft and rust. Please be serious about this I'm not a 14 year old child I've been told its fun and blah blah blah, all irrelevant. Just please let me know with any information, thank you very much for your time.

I've played Minecraft because I was told it was fun. It wasn't, don't waste your time on it. I've never played Rust, sorry.

Look up the Aorus X7, its SLI laptop which is way out of your budget but you can finance it if from amazon and other retailers, also since its a SLI laptop it will last close to 10 years. But if your just playing mine craft any laptop with i7 processor will do the job.

Minecraft doesn't require much out of your computer. You could just get a cheap dell and be fine. If you want to play anything more demanding though, you won't be getting a laptop for 600, double that and you'll be good.

You could build a solid desktop for 600, if you build it yourself though