What video game is better then minecraft xbox 1 edition?

What video game is better then minecraft xbox 1 edition? - 1

Minecraft is the best game ever yo beat that! Chris

All of them…

It definitely depends on your tastes. If you want something similar (modifiable terrain, survival settings, etc.) then maybe Ark: Survival Evolved can suite you, other wise you can try playing Fire Emblem, Skyrim, Dark Souls, Undertale, etc.

Have fun!

Be easier to name games that are not better than minecraft.

Superman 64
Raiders of the lost ark
Bruce lee

Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition


My friend there are so many games better than minecraft.

No mans sky

The original Minecraft for PC is the best game of all time. Xbox version is good but once you play Minecraft on PC it seems terrible. Just don't update to 1.9
