Videogame for a beginner?

I want to buy one but I don't know which one. This will be my first game so I don't want it to be very difficult. I asked to some of my friends and they listed some to me but I'm not sure about them since they've been playing those kind of games for a long time. I'm a girl and a beginner. If you answer my question please write why. And I don't like Minecraft.These are the games my friends recommended:

Resident evil 5
mass effect
tomb raider
assassins creed
warfare or modern warfare (Are they 2 different games?)

It doesn't have to be one of these! Just tell me why you picked that game. Thanks for the persons who answer my question! Also are there any online free games you recommend?

Added (1). Can you give some information like how much does it cost or things I should know before buying it?

Added (2). I can't believe I forgot to write I want PC games so please don't recommend Playstation or Xbox

Infamous 2. My favorite game… COD ghosts campaign. LEGO super hero marvel (better 2 players)…

You should get sims. A revolutionary game that is adored by all. Haha I don't know. But I got sims 3 when It first came out, my first computer game and only computer game (aside from spore wich I got yesterday) I haven't looked back. Amazing. Plus is super cheap because sims 4 is coming out. I got sims 3 when it was like $100 not it's like $20-$30. May not be your cup of tea but I love it. I also really like the new Grand theft auto 5 but you got bored of it after a while. Umm I have two friends that are crazy about assassins creed. But I would recommend sims to EVERY ONE. Ok sorry, Good luck tho!

Here are some of my beginner-friendly picks.

1.) Journey: Journey by Thatgamecompany is special because it's simple. It's also moving and moody and beautiful. Basically all you do is move your character, occasionally rolling down hills or taking flight while you explore the stunning in-game world.

2.) Limbo: This black-and-white, puzzle-platform game by Playdead is a breeze to play and it's remarkably stylish, too. Because Limbo is a 2D sidescroller, it's easy to propel your character across the screen.

3.) The Sims 3: This is a game that doesn't really feel like a video game to me, but that makes it a great choice for a newcomer.

4.) Fallout 3: What's helpful about Bethesda's Fallout 3, for a beginner, is that it starts off slow. You have plenty of time to dialogue with NPCs, get used to the controls and figure out how to navigate as you grow up in the game, literally.

"Hope this helped."

I don't know what console you have but if you have a backwards compatible ps3, you should definitely try the entire resident evil line. But as far as beginner, my first game was Halo Combat Evolved not anniversary. (Pretty much the same thing except anniversary has modern graphics) anyways, halo is where I would start. Try to make combat evolved your first game, you won't regret it. Halo 4, on the other hand… Let's be honest it sucks. But if you like sneaking, you should try Metal gear solid and so on. Sorry, but I'm gonna make the answer longer. ALWAYS start with the first game of every line. Don't start in the middle like immediately playing halo 2. Do the FIRST one instead. You'll appreciate it that much more. Three last things
1. Sorry for ranting
2. Start with halo
3. Stay AWAY from call of duty until you feel comfortable with gaming

Left 4 dead 1 and 2
build up your skills and instinct

The walking dead by telltale games. It should cost around $15-30 depending on used or new and the game of the year edition. Its easy to play and the story is great.

There are lots of suggestion given up there and ideas are not bad at all.
Did you checked for any online games? I'm talking about online games because online games are very easy (sometimes hard) to play for any beginner. If you want then just google for online games or search for miniclip or you may follow the link.