Punishment for child lying right to my face?

My 10 year old really really loves Minecraft. I limit her time on the game as she will sit on it all day.

It frustrates me when she whines about having to shut it off because I told her to after nonstop hours. So, I have made a new rule that whining means loss of game time.

It has worked. Until today when she lied to my face. I told her 2 hours straight was enough and save her game. She lied and said it's on "autosave only" and she can't quit. I then told her I know how Xbox works and she can either save now or I'm pushing the power button.

She hurried up and hit quit and save and acted like she lost everything. She blamed it on me even though I we watched it "save game". I took the game off her but her lying to my face is disgusting. How do I get her to stop?

Added (1). She's lost it for the entire weekend but I'm more concerned with the manipulation factor. (Ya won't let me edit this on mobile). I'm a parent. Most parents would have just let them watch TV. She's in her room being punished.

Says much about the parent if they feel they must.

doesn't it?

Get rid of the game and the game system. If she doesn't have it, she can't play. Let her whine, cry, throw a tantrum, etc. Enough is enough. Be a parent.

Just get rid of the console and game completely and she will stop being a brat.

Why did you battle with her for two hours about a game? I think instead of trying to add on punishments you need to get really straight and to the point, sit her down, tell her she is not going to spend all day playing the game and she has one hour each day--- maybe half an hour twice a day--- to play. If she can't turn the game off after her time is up then she will either lose her second session or she will lose tomorrow's game time. Set a time and make it her responsibility; if finishing up is hard for her then set a couple of alarms: maybe one when there's fifteen minutes left, one when there's five minutes left, and one when it's time to done and shut off the game. This is a huge red flag that she needs some limitations set.

She's an electronic addict. All addicts lie to continue their addiction. Get her interested in some real hobbies.

Keep it from her for one week. A weekend is probably not sufficient to make the point.

Let her have the game by earning time with homework and chores. If she lies about them, then stash the game until she can be more forthright with you.

Or, just limit the time with a timer and be done with it. When the timer goes off, she has ten minutes to save things and shut it off. This is how things work in the world, you don't get a lot of warnings, but things do happen nonetheless.

Talk to her about why you don't want her playing videos games all day (shortens attention span, limits creativity, She needs to be outside to enjoy nature, etc). This way she knows your rationale. Let her know that you understand she likes the game, so you are willing to let her play ___ amount of time. (I would suggest 1 hour at most a day). Put a visible timer up where she can see it so she knows how much time she has left. Give her a 5 minute warning. Remind her that she must have the game saved when the timer goes off or you will shut the game off. Be extremely consistent with this. If she sees you are serious, she'll be serious. It may take a few days for her to get used to this idea meaning she my throw a fit, but it will work if you keep it up. Maybe show her some fun activities to do when she is done so she learns how to have fun when she is done (at home science experiments, painting, cooking, building with Legos, etc). Keep being the involved parent you are… It's hard work!

For God's sake whose in charge? Tell her to do what you say without or complaining or no minecraftt for two weeks. But follow through and do what you say. This is how kids learn to abide by the rules.