My son has a WiiU console and is looking to change to a Xbox or ps?

He will be 10 this year and is unsure which one to go for.
We're torn between picking up the obvious bargains with cheap 360's & ps3's as there are plenty on the second hand market with lots of cheap games still about or just grabbing a ps4 or xbox1 as they are newer.
I personally have never played on an xbox and its been plenty of years since i last played on my ps2.
He would like minecraft, fifa and of course any lego orientated games but has expressed interest in 'hello neighbour' & 'fortnite' which of course are only available on the newer consoles.
Can anyone offer any advice as to help with our decision?

I recommend ps4 because they're not likely to be old any time soon, so it will last him a long time. Ps4s are worth it

Have you considered a PC instead of one of the consoles? You can do so much more with a PC. But of course the learning curve is steeper as you have to install and tweak games for optimal performance.

I suggest XBOX One, it has plenty more exclusives that are friendly for his age if you're worried about that stuff, such as Forza Horizon 3 (racing game) and such, then there's the larger library and what larger community. If you're not worried about that stuff thrre still is games that aren't nothing but friendliness on the XBox such as Dark Souls 3 or Battlefield 1, etc.

If you are looking for something cheap and having the games easily and cheaply gotten get a PS3.

However, a PS4 or Xbone are the current gen consoles. If he wants a new game you would end up buying him the PS4 anyway.

Just go with the ps4.