Minecraft world has no end portal. Can a home one help me find a solution to this?

I'm home for my first summer away from college and some old friends and I have, nostalgically, gotten back into Minecraft. We made a really old world in about 2013 - just before the Xbox one was announced or came out or whatever - on the Xbox 360, and we recently exported that world to the Xbox One. Somehow, even AFTER utilizing the "Reset The End" option, our eyes of ender bring us to the middle of the ocean (X:-45 Y:40 Z:68 to be exact) and they just dance around on the bottom of the deep sea. Normally this would mean the stronghold is somewhere below it, however after digging for hours all the way to bedrock and back, AND using TNT, we have found nothing but stone and coal. When we use the eyes under the previously stated coordinate, they fly directly up, and when we use them above, they fly down. I can't imagine what could possibly be causing this other than maybe we just don't have an end portal and its making the eyes glitch? I feel like I remember the end being a thing before we made the world, but I just might be wrong. Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to be as clear as possible. Also we HAVE increased the world size to Medium, so we have a 3x3 World map. Should I try going to the other maps and trying the eyes? The middle map we use is mostly ocean save for a section of
island in the northeast which is where we have our "base" set up. The rest are more land based, but would be terribly inconvenient if the end portal was that far away

Really sorry to say, but I don't think you can "make" the portal, the older versions of minecraft that didn't have the end portal had different world regen, and if it tried to regen the world to add a stronghold it might tamper with things, probably why they didn't make an option to add a portal; I think the reset end option just respawns the ender dragon to let players farm dragons breath. If you were on pc, there MAY (don't hold me to this) be a mod that could help, but even then, your world won't have emeralds if its that old or a lot of new features; a restart would be worth it. You've got all summer to play; delve back in!