Minecraft ps3-xbox360-pc versions?

I found out xbox 360 and playstation 3 versions are the same on a website but are they different then pc version? And if so how

i did ps3 demo
I asked this question before and was given numbers instead of answers so to be clear i'm asking what you can and can't do what the game has and doesn't have from the pc versions

Well, One thing that differs between the console versions and the pc version is that pc versions allows Mods and the console version doesn't. Another thing is skins, though skins are available on the console version they are limited. The PC version has more skins to pick, and people can makes different skins. Another thing is that console versions enable split screen local multiplayer, the pc doesn't. These are all the differences I know, sorry if it's not much, I just thought of these.

The console version allows split-screen multiplayer, so multiple people can play on the system at the same time.

Otherwise gameplay wise the games are identical.

The PC version allows the installation of the many, many, many, Minecraft mods, however, which can greatly increase your mileage on the game. The PC version also allows greater variety on the appearance for your character.