Minecraft for X-Box 360 or Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim?

So I have $20 I'm wanting to spend and I'm deciding on whether to get Minecraft or Dawnguard for Xbox360. I've had Skyrim since a few months after it was released and I really liked it but for awhile now I've not been able to get into Skyrim and just get bored of it. I've never gotten a Skyrim DLC either btw. On the other hand I really enjoy playing Minecraft and I have a few friends i could screw around with on it, online, as well as it's continuing to get add-ons to this day so there's a bit more to work with possibly. So. Do you guys think Dawnguard would be enough to get me back into Skyrim and not just be a waste of $20, or should I take a safer route with Minecraft and stick with something I'm somewhat certain I would enjoy? It'd be nice to hear opinions from those who have played or own both and to get answers with reasons, but any answer is appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to read and/or answer this.

I've played both Skyrim and Minecraft. I think they're both great games, but I think I'm a LOT more into Skyrim that you are. I've done all the DLCs (Hearthfire, Dawnguard and Dragonborn) on the PS3 (console, vanilla game, no mods). If you already like Skyrim, they are amazing. My favorite is Dragonborn, I think it had a lot more content, and I like Dunmer more than vampires, but Dawnguard wasn't bad. It's a long questline and adds a lot to the game. BUT… Does it add enough to entice and excite someone who doesn't already love Skyrim? Probably not. It sounds to me as if you should go for Minecraft, since you already know you like it and have friends to play with.

If you want social interaction go with the "Minecraft".
If you want to expand your solo gaming get the Add-On to Skyrim.

I played both and I like minecraft more