How much would the PS4 be if I traded or sold my Xbox 360 w/ games?

I have an xbox 360 with some games and decided to go to the Playstation 4. Here is what I'm trading:
-Xbox 360 Slim with 120gb HDD
-Charging Stating w/ the Battery Pack
-Several Games=
Kinect Adventures
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3
Call of Duty Black Ops 1 and 2
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
Battlefield 3
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
Fable 3
Batman Arkham City
Street Fighter X Tekken
Assassin's Creed 3
Halo 5

Please tell me the range at least thank you Also should I sell it or trade it on gamestop?

Firstly I would sell if it were me, unless you have the silver membership card. I would say you'll get anywhere from $90 - $135. But do remember you get more if you go for store credit so you could get up to $170 if you were planning to buy a PS4 from Gamestop. Hope this helps

Ah, it depends where you sell it. GameStop should always be a last resort when selling gaming items as they tend to rip off people almost all of the time. Always try to sell online first, but if you don't have the patience and don't mind getting less money than you should then GameStop is a viable option. Hope this helps.

The PS4 will be the same price. You want to know if you will be able to earn enough to offset the price. First advice is if you like the game you have DO NOT Sell them, you will regret it.
Consider selling at a Tag/Garage Sale. 50% to 75% of retail., Ask for as much as you want. If the buyer isn't interested, you can haggle or either of you can walk away.
Pawn shops 5%-10% of retail. Or less.
Merchant Trade values:
EB Games:
WalMart Game Center:
Best Buy:

Note most games are Registered and are worthless if you do not follow the prescribed method of transfer.
So check the console source for the proper method.

PS3 Transfer:…