PS4 or Xbox 360? (Disappointed with PS4 kind of)?

I, personally own a PS4 and have owned a Xbox 360 previously before. With hesitation, I had to sell my Xbox 360 and buy a Xbox One and then… Buy a PS4. The next-gen consoles are honestly not really impressive in my opinion. I mean, basically speaking, All the games on the next-gen are on the previous gen (Ps3 and Xbox). I have owned PS3 and Xbox 360 and honestly the last gen consoles are way better.

This is the only time to make a change. I don't play on my PS4 much as I used to on Xbox. I have saved £250 separately by selling my SCUF, headset (Turtle beach) and console with the PS4 in hand. I was thinking if I sell that too I would make around a budget of £600. Then too, I shall wait for next gen and buy the 360 meanwhile? With that £600, I never knew you could get these for all that cash:

- Brand New Xbox 360 Console
- Brand New Games like BO2, Ghosts, Minecraft, GTA
- Brand New Astro a40 headset! (been waiting to buy that for ages!)
- Brand New Capture card (possible chance to start Youtube again)
- Brand New SCUF Controller (Competitive support controller sponsored by MLG)
- Brand New 2100 Microsoft Points?


This is bought legit and if it was bulk I would consider it would be cheaper but whatever!

Now I need your opinion whether I should stay with the PS4 or Xbox 360…

All I got for the PS4 now is:
COD Ghosts
PS Plus (1, 1/2 months of PS)
NBA 2k14
Season pass for COD Ghosts (I know its a waste)

Added (1). Oh yeah, I forgot every game I play it has huge lags and never experienced those lags consistently in my gaming life! Haha

Ps4, I'm a Microsoft fan, but at the moment PS4 > Xbox One

Xbox 360. I love sony but Microsoft is kinda better imo. Then again, you don't have to pay to play online with sony. I obviously hate paying $60.00 just to play online (*cough*microsoft*cough*). I guess I'm stuck between the two. Lol