I have an Xbox 360 elite (I know its the last model they made)250 gig with kinect turtle beach X12 headset 1 controller and loads of games: GTA 5 COD AW fruit ninja kinect Minecraft south park tsot splinter cell blacklist Terraria dragon age inqusistion battlefield 4 multi player (campaign freezez at 2nd mission but you can still download needed content) skyrim tomb raider kinect sports batman arkam city goat Sim ac 4 watch dogs fallout 3 the walking dead portal 2 far cry 4 halo 4 just cause 2 and NFL 11 how much is that worth.
How much should I sell my Xbox 360 for?
Josh 09.08.2015
Consider selling at a Tag/Garage Sale. 50 to 75% of retail., or Ask for as much as you want. If the buyer isn't interested, you can haggle or either of you can walk away.
pawn shops 3% -10% of retail.
Merchant Trade values:
GameStop http://www.gamestop.com/...ion/trade…
DiscReplay: http://discreplay.com/faq.php
EB Games: https://ebgames.com.au/...e-and-save
WalMart Game Center: https://walmart.cexchange.com/Online/Gaming/index.rails
Best Buy: http://www.bestbuy.com/...&type=page
Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/...=979418011
Mikel 09.08.2015