Decision regarding Video Games?

I'm 16 and I stopped playing Xbox about 7 months ago because I thought it was taking over my life. I played 4+ hours everyday and that's all I thought about. I become bored some days but still haven't played. My mom who worried about me and my health sometimes asks me why I don't play anymore or with my older brother. I feel that if I play even once, i'll want to play again and again and it will take over my thoughts. I live in a rural area so there isn't much to do. I miss playing of course and I used to play Cod, minecraft, gta, and battlefield. I watch my brother play but always deny when he asks me to play. What should I do? I don't know what I should do when i'm bored or think about Xbox. The first thought to my head is to not play.


Sounds like you're addicted to video games. If you want to stop video games from taking over your life, then going without video games straight is a very good idea, especially if you don't think you could stop once you start. Try to find another hobby you can do at home or with your brother. You're doing the right thing.