Would minecraft run faster on an alienare laptop with RAM up to 16 GB?

I'm plannig to get an alienware laptop and it has 3.4GHZ and 16GB system memory, would minecraft still run well on that, i'm hearing that it deosnt matter which kind of laptop you have, minecraft would still run slow, would it on an alienware?

The first answer is correct
You need to manually allocate more ram to Minecraft
it doesn't need that much power to run
If you're on the old launcher I'm not quiet sure of the way
but in new launch you need to go to
1) Edit Profile
2) Activate the GVM Arguments
3) change the Xmx-1G to Xmx-2G or Xmx-3G and so on.
4) Save
Don't put more RAM than you have or the game will crash

Anything over 8GB of ram has high diminishing returns. As you will never even use 8GB.
minecraft doesn't have very high requirements, so any modern laptop should be able to play it flawlessly.