Would a gtx 560 be good for next gen games?

So I'm looking into a gtx 560 for next gen games like BF4, Titanfall, and games like World at War and Minecraft. My computer can already run these games at a pretty good speed. (BF4 low 21 fps, Titanfall medlow 41fps, minecraft 60 fps, World at War high 31 fps.) Would this help a lot or should I just get a gtx 460/gtx 650.

system specs,
unkown board
8 gb of unkown ram
600w PSU
8570D integrated graphics

You could play Titanfall at reasonable FPS in medium with the 560, but BF4 could poorly run on that card. If you want amazing experience with almost all games, spend some more and get a GTX 660, I have one and I can easily play BF4 in ultra at 60+FPS, at a 1080p resolution without anti-aliasing, and Titanfall everything on high even with anti-aliasing and the resolution at "insane". This card is awesome, you can't go wrong with this card.

However, the GTX 650 is also a pretty good card for the price, easily you could play BF4 at high settings without anti-aliasing at 50+FPS and Titanfall at high settings and the resolution at medium or high.

Whether you choose the 650 or the 660, you'll have amazing performance, you can't go wrong with these two cards