Would a gaming mouse and keyboard be worth it?

I decided I was getting a gaming pc but I would mostly just play minecraft so would a gaming mouse and keyboard be worth it also what would be a good gaming if I mostly play minecraft I want to have a stable fps because I can only average a 5 fps on my current pc

Wait wait… Do you want a gaming keyboard and mouse or a new PC? Bah I'll answer all three. Yes but make sure you get exactly the right thing that you are looking for. Gaming Mice are usually quite nice but some almost break the bank themselves, so I would recommend looking for a mouse below the $40 range just look for a nice one. If you want a really nice keyboard you could always look around at some automated ones, they are some of the best I would say you should go with a Razer one with this. For a pc that will run Minecraft well all you really need is about a 300-400 dollar laptop or PC, nothing too special. However if you want to run things that require more CPU / GPu then you should definetly invest in somethin g with a bit more power. Just plan ahead, will you just be playing minecraft? Or will you move on to something Like battlefield? Any modern computer can run minecraft pretty decently, Try getting a laptop with a Pentium Processor, or i3. (I would say an AMD one but I don't the models) if you are thinking "hey I might get battlefield on this one day" then you should get something with a Processor like i5 - i7, Just make sure that you get a nice graphics card as well. The prices will sky rocket though going up into th $700 - $3000 range with i7. Take a look at this website - http://www.game-debate.com/...=Minecraft to find out what the minimum requirements are for any games you could be getting, and then buy your laptop / Desktop so that it will be able to run them.

BTW sorry for the full page essay I gave you, that answer was LONG