How to enable my DELL mouse while using my keyboard?

How to enable my DELL mouse while using my keyboard? - 1

Added (1). I have been absolutely going INSANE trying to find this answer on the internet. I have a DELL laptop and a DELL mouse, and I have been unsuccessfully trying to play minecraft and Mirror's Edge. EVERY TIME I try to click my mouse to attack while using WASD to move, it takes at least 2 seconds of me having my fingers off the keys to work. I tried looking online, but every solution involves "mouse properties" which my version of windows (7) for some reason doesn't have. I need an UPDATED solution!

Every single solution i have tried has been outdated. Some say to disable synaptics, but it doesn't appear in mouse settings. Some solutions involve going into Device Settings for mouse. My mouse doesn't have that tab either. It's getting so upsetting to the point where I literally am about to give up gaming altogether. It is so frustrating that every solution i have looked for doesn't work.

Additional info:

This problem was on my last laptop. I transferred my files to this laptop and still the problem persisted. So I know it isn't a problem with my mouse because I'm using a different mouse. Before transferring all my files I had no problems on this laptop, so some setting must have carried over but I can't figure it out.

Possibly Dell customer support might know?