Windows parental controls on admin account?

Alright, so recently my dad added parental controls (time restrictions) to my windows 7 PC. I'm not just a 15 year old who only uses a PC to play Minecraft and i'm trying to find out how to turn them off, I already know how to extend the time restrictions to allow for more time but I don't want to force my dad to lock the computer down completely (I could still get past it somehow.

So what annoys me most about not being an admin account anymore is that most programs that I use, most notably cheat engine, need the admin password to run and I can't call him upstairs every time I try to run a program, but he isn't letting me become an admin account again because he knows that parental controls don't affect admin accounts because I can just turn them off.

I want to know if there's a way that I can keep the time restrictions but lose the admin password at program startup. I was smart enough to try a keylogger so I could find the password but I can't install a keylogger without the password. I don't really care if it involves actually modding windows itself, as I've already done a lot of things that could potentially break the PC. I just want some method of running programs without a password prompt but continuing to have time restrictions.

Also, there are five accounts, one is mine, one is my dads, the other three are for my brothers and sister. They're all normal users except for my dads account.

1. Go to the Control Panel from the Windows Start menu.
2. Click User Accounts.
3. Click Parental Controls.
4. Click on your account photo.
5. Choose Parental control off

There's another way, Watch the video.

I think the only way would be to log on locally & install whatever you want as a local user. Trinity Rescue will allow you to reset the local admin password in case you don't know it.
The other ways would be to install a virtual machine & install the software onto that, or dual boot the PC with a second Windows OS. You can also boot a live linux during restricted times but it probably won't do what you need it for.
Unfortunately when it comes to user accounts on a domain, only admins can decide what goes on.