Why is pc restarting itself while I play games?

I have a problem with my pc every time i open a game ( biger than minecraft like Smite, BF4, ) after 1-2 minutes it restarts. I tested multiple things and found out it restarts at online and offline games. But if i change the resolution from 1920x1080 to 1600x1024 i can play about 2-4 minutes. The 1st time it crashed it was a blue screen 0x00000be… But the next 4 times i tried it just goes black and restarts. I checked my temperature its ok and I updated all drivers.

Processor: i7-2600k
Graphic card: Nvidia Gforce GTX 660
Win:7 ultimate
8g ram
Power supply 600W

And all this happened after i changed my graphic card from Nvidia gforce gtx or gt ( don't really know) 440 to this new one

Could be two things. First to try is to completely uninstall the video drivers, and then reinstall them cleanly.

Or, it could be your power supply failing. As soon as you make it work hard, it can't supply enough power, which makes your computer reset.

What the first person said, also it could be overheating. If the video card isn't properly ventilated and the room temp is high, you get restarts or else the system risks blowing a condenser or two

But judging from your description id say you have faulty drivers