Why is Minecraft suddenly lagging? - 1

I have had Minecraft for a while now. Back in 1.7.10 or 1.8, I updated my video card drivers and it started to run at 80 - 110 fps. Now it starts lagging. I did every trick! I defragged, I used CCleaner, I allocated memory, but none of it worked. I thought it was the game updates, but when I went to 1.8.1 it was still this way. Can anyone help?

What drivers have you updated exactly? Nvidia have been releasing terrible updates lately, numerous crashes and performance issues in games and including editing software. I had to go a couple of updates back just so I could record and edit Minecraft without any performance issues. In fact I've actually moved to my Mac for playing Minecraft as it has an AMD card in it which doesn't give me any crashes at all.