Minecraft is the only game to ever give me motion sickness. I play tons of first person shooters but they have never given me a problem. I only ever feel nauseated when I play minecraft.
Why does minecraft give me motion sickness?
This may be because in Minecraft, not only is your screen unsteady which is a small part of the problem even though you play first person shooter games but also the blocky picture and graphics may make you feel nauseous and feel like vomiting.
It can be your brightness, a texture pack, your sensitivity, your options with the clouds on and the fancy view, etc., it can also maybe be the music possibly because it can maybe mess with your head
There are two things you can change straight away to help with this. I suffered from it myself and it sucks. Go to options and the FOV slider will widen your view ingame so play about with that until you find a comfortable setting, also in options, click on video settings and turn view bobbing off this will help with the screen bouncing up and down. Hope this helps!