Why does it seem like categories are based on who plays them?

By categories, I mean like, who plays them, such as nerd games, or hardcore, games, or the new "thing"
I mean, if the majority of people who played minecraft weren't nerds, it wouldn't really ever be called a game for nerds. Even though its a decent game, but not my type. If a bunch of nerds started using facebook, it would end up like myspace, did. Lose all of its revenue, and no one would use it anymore except nerds. If call of duty was played by fat guys with no jobs… Then it would be a game that… Wasn't really a good game for hardcore gamers. Think about it…

But all you've said and more is absolutely true. But then again, all those things were created by 'nerds'. Not anyone can just simply code up some multi-million dollar piece of software on a whim.

Also, some of those "fat guys without jobs" could have been slim, working class people who got drawn into the carnage that they stopped caring about their own health and relied on income from streaming or online donations.

But about the part regarding nerds and facebook, that I'd have to disagree on. Even if they did, and they do, everyone in the whole would could give one less f*** and still use it regardless. Just a reminder that no one really gives a f*** either about the ESRB rating or target demographics.

Lots of kids around ages 7 on up have more access to M rated games than in previous years, so if every 12 year old kid on an un-configured microphone with lots of reverb and echo effects played Modern Warfare, wouldn't that make it a kiddy game? Think on that.